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Bollinger Rosè

€52.46 Excl. Tax
€55.08 AT tax 5% €63.48 BE tax 21% €62.95 BG tax 20% €62.43 CY tax 19% €65.57 HR tax 25% €65.57 DK tax 25% €62.95 EE tax 20% €65.05 FI tax 24% €62.95 FR tax 20% €62.43 DE tax 19% €65.05 GR tax 24% €64.52 IE tax 23% €64.00 IT tax 22% €63.48 LV tax 21% €63.48 LT tax 21% €59.80 LU tax 14% €61.90 MT tax 18% €63.48 NL tax 21% €64.52 PL tax 23% €64.52 PT tax 23% €63.48 CZ tax 21% €62.43 RO tax 19% €62.95 SK tax 20% €64.00 SI tax 22% €63.48 ES tax 21% €65.57 SE tax 25% €66.62 HU tax 27% €52.46 GB tax 0% €52.46 CH tax 0%
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€61.48 Excl. Tax
€64.55 AT tax 5% €74.39 BE tax 21% €73.77 BG tax 20% €73.16 CY tax 19% €76.84 HR tax 25% €76.84 DK tax 25% €73.77 EE tax 20% €76.23 FI tax 24% €73.77 FR tax 20% €73.16 DE tax 19% €76.23 GR tax 24% €75.61 IE tax 23% €75.00 IT tax 22% €74.39 LV tax 21% €74.39 LT tax 21% €70.08 LU tax 14% €72.54 MT tax 18% €74.39 NL tax 21% €75.61 PL tax 23% €75.61 PT tax 23% €74.39 CZ tax 21% €73.16 RO tax 19% €73.77 SK tax 20% €75.00 SI tax 22% €74.39 ES tax 21% €76.84 SE tax 25% €78.07 HU tax 27% €61.48 GB tax 0% €61.48 CH tax 0%
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Appellations Champagne A.O.C.
Type Sparkling
Origin France
Refinement Stainless Steel Tubs, Bottle
Alcoholic grade 12,0%
Size 0,75
Pairings Appetizers, Grilled fish
Aromas Frutti Di Bosco, Lamponi, More, Uva
Grapevine Pinot Nero 65%, Chardonnay 25%, Pinot Meunier 10%
Service temperature 10-12

The winery that produces Bollinger Rosé Champagne has its origins in very remote times ascribable to the nineteenth century. The long winemaking tradition perpetuated for many years and handed down from father to son saw the birth of the renowned champagne in the Marne valley around the year 2008. The quality of champagne is directly proportional to the rest times, regardless of the annuity. The sale of Bollinger Rosé Champagne is at the top of the list as one of the most popular products in the world in the wine sector. All the senses are involved for an enveloping experience with a unique flavor. The soft taste lets us express all the sweetness contained in wild berries, raspberries, blackberries and gooseberries, able to confer not only a taste particularly appreciated even by less experienced palates, but highlighting the typical rosé color. The unusual combination of aromas and red fruits captivates all those who savor it with its delicate sweetness evoking the Special Cuvée in us. Bollinger Rosé Champagne goes very well with fish-based lunches and dinners. It is advisable to sip Champagne Brut Rosé also with raw fish or to sip to accompany typical dishes that come from the far eastern cuisine. It is no coincidence that this champagne is ideal for traditional Japanese dinners, rich in the most varied foods, including the inevitable raw fish. It is advisable to serve it at a temperature of 8-10 ° C. Champagne Wine Glass is a type of glass that is particularly suitable for savoring Bollinger Rosé Champagne thanks to its peculiar shapes. Choose to immerse yourself in the unique Bollinger Rosé experience at an affordable price .

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