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Moser Muller Thurgau 2014

€5.74 Excl. Tax
€6.02 AT tax 5% €6.94 BE tax 21% €6.89 BG tax 20% €6.83 CY tax 19% €7.17 HR tax 25% €7.17 DK tax 25% €6.89 EE tax 20% €7.11 FI tax 24% €6.89 FR tax 20% €6.83 DE tax 19% €7.11 GR tax 24% €7.06 IE tax 23% €7.00 IT tax 22% €6.94 LV tax 21% €6.94 LT tax 21% €6.54 LU tax 14% €6.77 MT tax 18% €6.94 NL tax 21% €7.06 PL tax 23% €7.06 PT tax 23% €6.94 CZ tax 21% €6.83 RO tax 19% €6.89 SK tax 20% €7.00 SI tax 22% €6.94 ES tax 21% €7.17 SE tax 25% €7.29 HU tax 27% €5.74 GB tax 0% €5.74 CH tax 0%
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€6.56 Excl. Tax
€6.89 AT tax 5% €7.93 BE tax 21% €7.87 BG tax 20% €7.80 CY tax 19% €8.20 HR tax 25% €8.20 DK tax 25% €7.87 EE tax 20% €8.13 FI tax 24% €7.87 FR tax 20% €7.80 DE tax 19% €8.13 GR tax 24% €8.07 IE tax 23% €8.00 IT tax 22% €7.93 LV tax 21% €7.93 LT tax 21% €7.48 LU tax 14% €7.74 MT tax 18% €7.93 NL tax 21% €8.07 PL tax 23% €8.07 PT tax 23% €7.93 CZ tax 21% €7.80 RO tax 19% €7.87 SK tax 20% €8.00 SI tax 22% €7.93 ES tax 21% €8.20 SE tax 25% €8.33 HU tax 27% €6.56 GB tax 0% €6.56 CH tax 0%
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VAT rate may vary according to the country of destination.
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More Information
Appellations Vigneti delle Dolomiti IGT
Type White
Origin Trentino South Tyrol
Vintage 2014
Refinement Stainless Steel Tubs
Alcoholic grade 12,5%
Size 0,75
Pairings Carpacci Di Pesce, Freshwater Fish, Fried Fish
Aromas Pera, Albicocca, Fiori di Campo
Grapevine Muller Thurgau 100%
Service temperature 8 - 10°

Herman Muller, a native of Thurgau, crossed Riesling Renano and Chasselas, obtaining this white grape variety bearing his name. Müller-Thurgau has found its ideal habitat in the terraces of the Val di Cembra, and in the Moser cellar an excellent guide. What derives from it is a defined and elegant white wine, one of the best interpretations of Trentino for relaxation and expressiveness.

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